Dusting may be, perhaps, a homeowner’s biggest nightmare. I am confident I could dust my house 7 days a week and there would still be more dust to remove. Of course the ideal dusting plan is to pull out some lemon oil and a dusting cloth and methodically go throughout each room in the house lifting up and polishing on top of, under, and around every decoration, trinket, and bit of clutter. But let’s just be honest, finding time to dust ‘the right way’ every single week is tremendously difficult if not downright impossible.
Cleaning baseboards is always a dreaded task. Some people act like they don’t even know their baseboards exist (if it doesn’t exist it isn’t dirty); while others are rather obsessive about getting on their hands and knees with a bucket of hot water to scrub. I have seen recommendations to sweep the baseboards or vacuum them with an attachment but I have noticed that all of these options just take too long. One day while attempting the vacuum method I scratched the paint right off my wall because I was trying to move too fast and wasn’t being careful enough. Using soup and water can almost make the baseboards look dirtier unless you go slowly and rinse out your rag in CLEAN water often. Sweeping just wasn’t very effective. So now, after much trial and error I clean my DUSTY baseboards with either cotton dirty clothes or a piece of fleece. (When the baseboards get DIRTY, with mud or apple juice I still use the good old fashioned wet soapy rag.) So slick!
Dusting does not have to consume our lives. As with removing the clutter, cleaning the bathroom or the picking up the kitchen it simply takes a little strategy and a bit of effort on a regular basis. There will always be ‘spring cleaning’ to get the dirt off initially but constant observation to the dust will make a miraculous difference in how clean your home feels.