Here are a few pictures of the flowers in the yard. I love this time of year when everything is in bloom!
I’m not sure what this purple flower is but it covers like a carpet and the little tiny blossoms are very unique!
My hot pink cover roses are stunning!
For a while I wondered if my Daliah’s would ever boom, patience is a gardeners lesson learned.
This Delphinium bloomed a bright blue at the beginning of the summer. When it rebloomed it was almost white! I don’t know much about Delphiniums so I was unsure how common this is. Any ideas?
This holyhock is so heavy it is having a difficult time standing up straight. I love Holyhocks but they are very overwhelming and very messy.
This blue Hydrangea is not cold hardy so I will be digging it up and moving it indoors. I absolutely LOVE this plant and wish I could keep it where it is.
This picture doesn’t do this Mini Holyhock much justice. For its first year it was very beautiful. I look forward to this plants future.
My pink flower bed didn’t do really well this summer but the Coneflowers helped it out drastically.
As unimaginative as this may sound I just LOVE petunias, I plant dozens of them every year.
I had to replant all of my grasses this year. I am very pleased with this purple grass that has grown so well.
The yellow cover rose is a year behind the pink ones but is still looking great!
My two wisteria plants are growing like CRAZY!! I took this picture about 10 days ago and now the vines are reaching up over the top of the arbor. I think it is still to young to bloom but I plan on great beauty next summer.