I don’t recommend waiting until November to clean up the yard and garden. I especially don’t recommend waiting until after day light savings to pull out the tomato stakes and put the patio furniture away. Lucky for me I have an amazing husband who was so willing to do whatever I ask, even in the pitch black darkness of what we now call 6:30pm.
Logan and J5 cleaned up the garden while C7 and I put all the outdoor furniture away.
The kids also hitched themselves up to the red ryder wagon to carry some trash and weeds to the garbage can.
K10, as usual, kept us all entertained with his stories and questions. Yes, he is wearing a beautiful pink snow suit.
While cleaning up the 6 foot pile of tumble weeds that so graciously welcomed themselves into our yard, Logan found this great big swiss chard plant growing up inbetween the cracks of the cement on the basketball court.
As the project came to an end I was grateful for the opportunity to be outside in the crisp cool air. I even enjoyed working in the dark where K10 could point out the moon every few minutes and I could be reminded of how important it is to be outdoors with my family. Even though it has only been cold for a few weeks I missed being outside playing in the dirt and enjoying my yard and my family all together. So many times it is so much easier to stay inside where the heater is warming the air and the walls are blocking the wind; but enjoying the fresh air and the joy that comes to my family members when they are playing outside is worth every minute of cleaning up wet gloves and muddy boots.