Snowflower and the Secret Fan describes a culture that few members of western civilization can comprehend. The oppression of women has been a general theme throughout the majority of time and…
[ux_image id=”3046″ width=”52″ margin=”0px 0px 20px 0px”] (Click the picture above to purchase!) Seabiscuit by Laura Hillenbrand I can’t say I’ve ever been especially inclined to know about the details…
When the Cedar City Arts Council (CCAC) selected a Bill Bryson book for the September discussion I was eager to begin reading. After discovering the book was a biography on…
My maternal Grandfather, Arlond Hawkins was a Staff Sergeant in the 65th infantry division, serving in the European Theater of World War II. Since I was a little girl I wanted…
The Help By Kathryn Sockett I suppose it is natural for a reader to compare their quirky habits or physical features with the characters roaming around the inside of books.…
About 2 years ago I read the book The Long Walk by Slavomir Rawicz. To refresh my memory, last night I watched the movie, The Way Back. I was fascinated by this story…