Inside it has a 3 day supply of food, 1 1/2 gallons of water, and a bag of treats:
There are also some emergency essentials, including a first aid kit:
And some personal care items complete with clothing and personal hygiene products.
My child size backpacks look like this:
This pack also includes a 3 day supply of food, 1 gallon of water, and a bag of treats:
And a few comfort toys:
My Mom gave everyone she knew a portable emergency toilet for Christmas a few years ago (I know, don’t you wish YOU were her friend?). She called the toilet a “Groover” because of the grove that was sure to appear on your back side after doing your business on a 5 gallon bucket.
The bucket is complete with latex gloves, paper towels, hand sanitizer, 10 “business” bags, rags, toilet paper and Clorox.
I used an extra Groover toilet and converted it into a portable emergency Kitchen.
My emergency kitchen contains Clorox, plastic utensils, latex gloves, rags, plastic storage containers with lids (to be used as dishes), cups, knifes, 8 Kool-aid packets (with sugar), a dog dish and a bag of dog food.
I also keep a new tarp with my 72 hour kits to be used as a makeshift shelter or ground cover if needed.
My family’s backpacks, kitchen, Groover, and tarp are all kept in my storage room with a copy of my Payne Family Evacuation Plan taped to the wall above.
Day 1:
1 Hot Cocoa
1 Oatmeal
1 Can Soup
1 Drink Mix
1 Can Tuna
Granola Bar
Day 2:
1 Hot Cider
1 Oatmeal
1 Can of Fruit
1 Drink Mix
1 Can Soup
1 Can Fruit
Day 3:
1 Hot Cocoa
1 Oatmeal
1 Can Tuna
1 Granola Bar
1 Drink Mix
1 Can Soup
1 Can Fruit
Dried Fruit
Instant Pudding
Energy Bars
Trail Mix
Canned Meat
Candy Bars
Freeze Dried Meals
Instant Rice/Potatoes
Blankets/ Sleeping Bags.
Insulation (keeping your body away from the ground): plastic ground cloth, tarp, etc.
One change of clothing: should be warm, easy to work in, and comfortable. Wool clothing is best as it can keep you cool in the summer and warm in the winter.
Good shoes, a change of socks and a jacket are a MUST!
Birth Certificates
Medical Insurance
Car Insurance
Credit Card numbers
Digital Family Photos
Financial Documents
Deeds and Titles
Cash money in small bills
Prescription Medication
Garbage Bag
First Aid Kit
Waterproof Matches
Nylon Rope
Leather Gloves
Toilet Paper
Hand Soap
Multi-purpose tool
AM/FM Radio
Water Purification Tablets
Personal Hygiene items
First Aid Book
Fire Starters
Stuffed Animals
Coloring Books
Religious resources