Christmas Planning Continues
Click HERE for an editable Word document with all of the following forms!
Immediate Family
Store Purchased:
Total Gift $’s Budgeted
Total Gift $’s Spent
Socks, Underwear, Tie
Thrift Store
If you are like me your ‘Christmas Card List’ continues to grow each year (another good reason to download the Excel version of the Christmas lists). I have all of my family and friends contact information stored in an electronic phone book; however, I noticed last year many of the cards came back to me with inaccurate addresses. Now, with this list, I can mark which of my addresses need to be updated so as to avoid a similar problem in the future.
A ‘Neighbor Gift List’ could be your best friend for the holidays. Delivering gifts in person can be a challenge when already faced with a full calendar; however, visiting neighbors and friends is what the Christmas season is all about! Resist the temptation to send your 4 year-old to the door and make an effort to stay for a minute and visit. Begin making deliveries with plenty of time so you aren’t pressed to do it all on the same day. Yes, that may mean baking your traditional holiday treat two or even three times, but you will get more out of the Christmas season if your gifts are sprinkled with a bit of friendliness.
“It’s a Wonderful Life”, “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever”, “Amy Grants Grown Up Christmas List Album”, and the Cedar City Storybook Parade are all parts of Christmas I just can’t live without! The ‘Holiday Favorites’ list provides a place to write down the things that influence your holiday season the most. Not only will this remind you to pull these things out to enjoy early on but they make a great addition to your personal history.
I have borrowed or stolen or been handed down many holiday traditions. These are things I want to give to my children so they will give them to my grandchildren. You may think it is unnecessary to write these traditions down in your Christmas Planner but I assure you it will help! My husband and I have always written our children a letter on Christmas eve and Last year as we were walking up the stairs to bed we realized we had forgotten the letters. So, back down to the kitchen we trod, making for a much longer night than originally planned. How sad I would have been if we hadn’t remembered!
In my life the term Holidays is synonymous with delicious FOOD. Keeping a list of ‘Favorite Holiday Recipes’ will give you the opportunity to plan out when and for which party you will prepare your favorite dishes. I would also recommend typing up each of your holiday recipes and putting them into your Christmas Planner for a quick and easy reference.
Throwing a Christmas party can be great fun but it can also be a great stress if you find yourself unprepared. Using a ‘Holiday Party Planner’ sheet can save the night by having a quick and easy reference to answer all of your questions. After the party is over do NOT throw the planner sheet away!!! Keep it as a reference for next year’s party. Be sure to include how many people you invited, how many showed up, how much food you purchased, and how many leftovers you had.
Every year as I brave the opening of the Christmas decorations I wish a little elf would come and put them back the way I had them last year. The ‘Decorating Notes’ list provides you with a place to make notes of where to put your most treasured decorations. I have also added to this sheet my list of decorating wants and wishes. For example I would really like some new garland for my stair railings so I measured exactly how much I need and wrote it down for a quick reference next time I find garland at a reasonable price.
A ‘Family Rotation’ list can be a valuable resource for forgetful family members. Nothing is worse than making a dozen phone calls each November to see who gives to who in the family gift rotation. Writing it down and keeping it safely stored in your Christmas Planner will eliminate the guess work of who did what last year.
Budget | Holiday Favorites |
Christmas Cards | Master Gift List |
December Calendar | Neighbor Gift List |
Decorating Notes | November Calendar |
Family Rotations | Party Planner |
Favorite Recipes | Traditions |