I’m no child therapist, nor am I a professional educator, but I do have 4 kids of my own and I have seen very clearly the stress that comes from…
Life Style
11 Gifts for Kids that You Won’t Find on the Toy Isle I’m tired of toys. Have you ever noticed that kids often play with random household objects more than…
Secrets to Laundry Success: The biggest time vacuum of my life is laundry. Back when I only had one child I could easily wash, dry, fold and iron all the…
Baby Blues or Baby Reds? [ux_image id=”3606″ width=”76″] I knew, for almost 40 weeks, that the month of May 2012 was not going to be a typical May in the…
Mini Vacations I must admit, there have been times in my life I haven’t been as grateful as I should be to have a husband with a serious case of…
Making a habit out of completing a few basic daily tasks can save hours of housework in the future by avoiding the discouraging game of catch up. I always love…
Christmas Planning Continues Click HERE for an editable Word document with all of the following forms! My Christmas planner is now complete! Get your printer ready to print off some readymade lists…
Expected to do it all! I’m not sure how I would survive if I had a ‘real’ job! Some days are overwhelming and I wonder how or if or when…
Tis the Season! * The end of October always brings with it a vision of Santa arriving on the roof expecting to see a beautiful tree to leave presents under.…
Every 4-6 months brings about a slight shift in routine. When school starts in September there is a drastic swing towards having more structure. After a summer full of freedom…