After a bit of effort the front porch flower beds were looking much better!
The next project was the perennials and the herbs in the back yard. This is a Blackeyed Susan before being trimmed down (look carefully and you can see a bit of green trying to find some sunshine!)
I wasn’t expecting much from this mess in the Perennial vegetable bed…
But I was delighted to find some Rhubarb peaking through!
The husband is never happy when you start pruning everything too quickly and fail to notice you are trimming the sprinklers instead of the dead branches. Oops!
Of course this is Cedar City Utah and the weather never stays nice for long so my spring yard preparation is still incomplete. Next time the sun is shining I will attempt to trim the raspberries and the roses. I also plan to get out a big bottle of Round Up to attack the ever so persistent crop of weeds! I also have on Logans list of things to do to bring me all of my pots from storage. Flower season is here and I can’t wait to get planting!