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I also realized that stopping for food and bathroom breaks just wasn’t enough to get the wiggles out so in addition to pulling out the old car tricks of the 1980’s I threw in a few jump ropes and a football. Each time we stopped, for whatever reason, the kids spent ten minutes physically moving their bodies before getting back in their seatbelts. This did wonders for their emotional state of mind. Exercise really is a mental cure all!
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My second solution was the money game. Our rules for Disneyland have always been that the kids could pick one toy at the end of the day as we were leaving the park. This year they had to earn the money they were going to spend rather than me just giving it to them. So, before we left I got each kid 20 one dollar bills and clipped them together. NOW I had bargaining power. I explained that every time I heard fighting or whining or other inappropriate behavior coming from the back seat I would simply take away a dollar. When a fight was just beginning to erupt I would simply say, “you guys had better work it out like big kids unless you want to lose a dollar”. If I heard comments like “NO, don’t take away a dollar” I immediately took away ANOTHER dollar. This was a physical action that the kids WATCHED me do, there was nothing theoretical about them losing their Disneyland money, they saw me take the money out of the clip and put it in my wallet.
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