Sundae in a Jar (makes about six 8oz. jars) Ingredients: 2 ½ c. crushed hulled strawberries 1 1/3 c. crushed raspberries 6 c. granulated sugar 1 pouch liquid pectin…
Strawberry Sauce (makes about six 8oz. jars) Ingredients: 9 c. halved hulled strawberries 2/3 c. unsweetened apple juice 1 Tbs. grated orange zest 1 ½ c. granulated sugar 2/3…
Strawberry Syrup (makes about six 8oz. jars, or three pint) Ingredients: 10 c. strawberries, stemmed and crushed 3 c. water, divided 1 strip lemon peel 2 ½ c. granulated…
Strawberries-on-Top Preserves -(makes about six 8oz. jars) Ingredients: 5 c. halved hulled strawberries 6 ¼ c. granulated sugar 2 tsp. finely grated lemon zest 4 Tbs. lemon juice, divided 1…
Spring Conserve -(makes about seven 8oz. jars) Ingredients: 1 ½ c. canned crushed pineapple, including juice 1 ½ c. crushed hulled strawberries 1 ¼ c. finely chopped rhubarb ½ c.…
Spreadable Strawberries -(makes about seven 8oz. jars) Ingredients: 5 tart apples, peeled, cored and chopped 12 c. halved hulled strawberries 2 cans (12oz.) undiluted frozen unsweetened grape juice concentrate, thawed…
Quick Strawberry Lemon Marmalade -(makes about seven 8oz. jars Ingredients: ¼ c. thinly sliced lemon peel water 4 c. crushed hulled strawberries 1 Tbs. lemon juice 1 pkg. (1.75oz.) regular…
Rhubarb Strawberry Pie Filling – (makes about five pint jars) Ingredients: 3 large apples, peeled and finely chopped 1 Tbs. grated orange zest ¼ c. freshly squeezed orange juice 7…
Strawberry Rhubarb Jam (Makes about six 8oz. jars) Ingredients: 2 c. crushed hulled strawberries 2 c. chopped rhubarb 4 Tbs. lemon juice 1 pkg. regular powdered fruit pectin 5 ½…
Apricots are just about the greatest fruit in the world for jam. I love mixing them with strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries for some taste bud exploding yumminess. Last summer my habanero…