Bottled Spaghetti Sauce The project for today was home canned spaghetti sauce. I have done this for the past few years but haven’t been too thrilled with any of the…
After picking my garden the other day I was disappointed to realize I had waited too long to pick my beans. Most of the beans were too big and colorless.…
I enjoy having family in low places; low meaning warm. I live at an elevation of about 5,850 feet. Our average low spring time temperatures are in the 40’s (average…
When the peppers are ready to pick but do not yet have tomatoes ready to accompany them they like to find their way into the freezer. Eventually the peppers will…
My kids refuse to eat canned green beans from the store, and I can’t say I blame them. Home bottled beans are a staple at our house, especially for the…
Freezing Apricots I don’t know about you, but summer time makes me feel like a gerbil in a wheel. Every time I think I’m getting ahead I realize I’m right…
In my journey to clean out the freezer to make room for this year’s pickings I came across a container of apricots patiently waiting to be made into jam. Along…
Todays project was Apples! I had debated for a few weeks on how I was going to preserve my recently purchased box of fuji apples. I made one batch of…
A few months ago our local grocery store had boneless, skinless chicken breasts on sale for about 1/4 of the regular price. My Mom and sister-in-laws and I decided to…
Homemade Tomato Juice I found a recipe for bottled Sloppy Joe Sauce and decided it was the perfect solution to my problem of having too many frozen tomatoes in my…