I Capture the Castle
By Dodie Smith
From the acclaimed author of One Hundred and One Dalmatians, I Capture the Castle is a coming of age story about the mysterious Mortmain family. Cassandra Mortmain lives with her sister Rose, and their father in a dilapidated old castle in the English countryside. Father Mortmain leased the castle in hopes to refurbish it and glean some inspiration from its potential. Father Mortmain is an author who only managed to spit out one magnificent novel, which made his name famous in England and America. Now, years later the Mortmains are selling off furniture in order to buy food.
Cassandra Mortain tells the story in her journal. She is witty and observant and finds inspiration from the castle in a way that her father never managed.
When the castle’s ownership falls into the hands of the Cotton family, wealthy Americans, the Mortmains are worried they will be evicted, as they have not paid their lease for a very long time. However, when the Cotton brothers; Simon and Neil come to check on the old castle, complications far greater than eviction enters the lives of Rose and Cassandra.
Historical Value- 0
Emotional Value- 3
Entertainment Value- 2
Personal character Value- 3
Age recommendation- Teen – Young Adult
Emotional Value- 3
Entertainment Value- 2
Personal character Value- 3
Age recommendation- Teen – Young Adult
“Why is summer mist romantic and autumn mist just sad?”
“There is something revolting about the way girls’ minds so often jump to marriage long before they jump to love.”